Monday, December 15, 2008

Review Time

I know, I was supposed to post on this site too but this years massive amounts of games has been occupying most of my time. Well the wait is over, it is time for some of my reviews. Now these reviews will be shorter then I will normally write but since I'm reviewing multiple games I'm going to keep it short...this time. One last note theses reviews will span from games that came out earlier this year to the present.

1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Now I have to be honest, I never played a Metal Gear game before this one so this review is only on my MGS experience from this game only. Now that being said this game made me wish I had played every single Metal Gear game leading up to this one. I don't think I have ever played a game with such a deep story line i mean what other game has to have a data base come out just so you can understand whats going on it the games universe? And MGS4 alone has one of the best stories I've seen and that's without knowing the lead up from the other games. and not only is the story good but the game play is amazing as well, from the stealth to the shooting it all leaves you feeling very satisfied. The graphics in this game are some of the best I've seen, the vast use of textures to the harsh environments make you feel like you are playing through a cinematic movie. The characters in MGS4 are also movie star like, from the heros to the villains they all make you want to learn more about them. as for my complaints I really don't have any i mean this game is not perfect but its damn close I guess if I had to name one thing that bothered me it would be what a lot of people said, that the cut scenes are to long, but that by no means takes anything away from this must play game.

MY SCORE: 9.8/10

2.Fallout 3
This game made me question what would really happen if the world became a wasteland as a result of nuclear war, I wonder why that is, OH YEA! because that's exactly what this game is about! Your quest begins in a vault as usual right? come on people, arn't we all in a vault? locked up in a safe little bubble? till our dad mysteriously runs out on us? then we go out into this strange new world? no? OK well this game is exactly like that you play as a lone wanderer out on a mission to find your father who has left out of nowhere and on this quest you come across many many other challenges and quests you must face (or not face). Now the game play showed me a new way to shoot someone in almost a strategic way by targeting limbs, genius right? no! this system although cool gets very old through out the game and eventually gets very routine and bland. The characters you meet through fallout 3 are a wide range of people streaming from punk rock like raiders to butch like hookers and an occasional mutant from here to there but they all add to the very wide world you explore. Did i mention there's a half tree half man in the game?? One thing i really do like about this game is the choices you get to make eventually making you evil and good and later effect the way the story turns out and ends. BUT there are many flaws in this game, like the glitches and the lack of trophies on the ps3. And the main story is very straight forward no twists or anything but the side quests make this game worth buying and playing (for along time).

MY SCORE: 9.1/10

3.Resistance 2
Nathan hales final missions doesn't lack any size. This game is BIG from start to finish, what do I mean by BIG? I mean that from the bosses to the overall size of Nathans mission is well....very large. in this game you learn more about the soldier Nathan hale and his struggle to fight the Chimera on the battle field and within himself. This game is also a lot bigger then the first resistance as well, from bigger boss battles to more weapons and a vastly deeper multi player it completely blows the original fall of man right out of the chimeran battle ship. And the graphics in this game are greatly improved too. The united states looks much better then that of its former possessor England in fall of man, but then again doesn't it always?? come on people USA! USA! ok enough of that, where was I? Oh yes the graphics, not only do the Chimera look better but so do their ships looming over the ruined lands of America. The story in resistance 2 does focus more on Nathan hale but it seems that's all it focuses on, you don't get the story of whats happening around you only whats happening to you. Though this game is bigger I feel it doesn't deliver as much as the original which had a better story thus making it a better game, BUT this game is still a must play for any resistance fan or fps fan.

MY SCORE: 8.9/10
B+ (not counting multi player)

So there you go, some reviews for you to read and react to. Yes I know they are very vague and lack what a normal review must have but like I said, these reviews are not how I will normally review a game, I will go more in depth with my next reviews. These are more to reinsure you on buying or not buying a game or give you a brief overview of what I think of a game. So I look forward to writing more reviews in the very near future and I hope you continue to read them.